Saturday, May 11, 2013

In Print

Ok, it has been a LONG time since I've posted. I'll be completely honest with you, there really is nothing exciting to write about. My past month has consisted of classes, assignments and more assignments. I've surfed only a few times and my arms are turning into skinny little non surf worthy noodles. It's becoming a bit of a bummer.

But today I do have something to share. It's the latest issue of Women's Surf Style Magazine. Writing and shooting for print media is a process. I spend so long babying my articles, then finally sending them off. Then I wait. And then finally one day when I've forgotten all about it, there it comes in the mail. A beautiful new shiny copy of the latest magazine with my work in print. It's a great feeling seeing it for the first time. I have two works in this issue that I'm so happy to share; first off is the story of the Cubanitas, the last women surfers in Cuba, and second is an article about my time spent running a hotel in Northern Peru.

You can read them at or pick yourself up a hard copy.

Look that's me!