Sunday, January 9, 2011


Perth in the summer is a lot hotter than I remember. And it hasn't even hit the forties yet! It's my first time home in a few years. I've gone from a small tropical island to a really, really big flat island. It tripped me out on the flight from Sydney to Perth just how big and flat Australia is. The view from the plane window was just flat and as far as the eye could see. I tried to take a picture but it doesn't quite capture it.

Being home again is good/weird/fun/hot! The best thing has been unpacking my clothes, to actually have everything hanging in a closet is SO exciting! The only sad thing is my dog. I have waited years to see her and a few days before my return her health took a bad turn. She is still with us but is sick, she falls over all the time and seems to tilt her head to the side. She is almost deaf and blind and seems to be losing the motor skills on one half of her body. I call her lopsided dog. Here is a photo of her. Tomorrow I am heading down to Margaret River for my first surf in weeks so hopefully I will have some good waves to report about :) I'm very excited, after all my travels I still feel like South Western Australia is one of the most beautiful surf kissed places in the world. Below are some pictures from my friends Russian Christmas I attended in Wollongong on Friday. Great food, lots of vodka and drunk cheerful Russians, it doesn't get any better than that!

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