Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blue Moon

Blue moon rising at the lodge

Esta semana en Lobitos. Life is plodding along as usual. The waves peel and the wind blows. This week started off small then the swell grew and grew. Coupled with an intense full moon it's making for some extreme conditions. There's something about a full moon though. Could it be the large percentage of body fluids in our structure?

Three nights ago my Aussie friends and I went for a 1am full moon surf. Somehow, all the way in Peru, I found two other surfer girls from my home town Perth - Kelly and Rachael. Lobitos has a serious testosterone problem and there are hardly any females in the lineup. But it's a good place for a girl to boost her ego. When you're the only foreign chicks in town everyone seems that little bit more friendly.

Half way through our night surf the town's power went out. It was beautiful. Sitting out there looking to shore and everything goes black.

My Aussie girls left on the bus yesterday so now it's back to only me. Only me and a hotel full of guests.

Baby wave cruising
